
Finnish Society for Byzantine Studies

The Finnish Society for Byzantine Studies is a scientific society founded in 1982 for the purpose of furthering the scientific study of Byzantine culture and its later influence as well as general awareness of these in Finland.

The Society is a member of both The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and L'Association internationale des études byzantines, the latter being composed of national societies of Byzantine studies.


The Society's fundamental form of activity consists of scientific colloquia, both national and international, organized twice a year. The colloquium Bysantin päivä ("Byzantine day"), which takes place in early October, is usually international in nature and one or two foreign scholars are invited to participate alongside Finnish experts. On such occasions presentations are delivered in English. A similar event, of national scope, is held every spring in connection with the Society's annual general assembly, with presentations in Finnish. The events organized by the society are open to all interested and membership of the Society is not a prerequisite for attendance.
The Society publishes the academic journal Acta Byzantina Fennica, which has an international readership. Articles for publication must concern the study of Late Antiquity, Byzantinistics or the Byzantine legacy and be written in one of the following congress languages: English, German, French or Italian. The editorial board (prof. A. Bryer / Birmingham, prof. R. Gothóni / Helsinki, prof. J. Koder / Wien, prof. Jukka Korpela / Joensuu, prof. Matti Kotiranta / Joensuu, dr. Martti Leiwo / Helsinki, dr. A.-M. Talbot / Dumbarton Oaks), together with the chief editor, decides upon the publication of submitted articles. For additional information contact the chief editor (see Contacts). Older issues of Acta Byzantina Fennica (issues 1, 3 and 10 out of print) are available at bookstore Tiedekirja (Kirkkokatu 14, puh (09) 635 1777, email tiedekirja@tsv.fi.).

Päivi Salmesvuori (president)
Mirkka Koskimäki (secretary)
Marja Usvasalo (treasurer)
Kai Juntunen
Maijastina Kahlos
Manna Satama
Vesa Vahtikari

The Society strives to bring together researchers from within or adjacent to Byzantine research and all citizens interested in the field. Membership is therefore open to all interested parties and requires the society's annual membership fee to be paid into the account Nordea 157230-27391.
Regular Member 15 euroa
Undergraduate student 7 euroa
Family Member 20 euroa
Support/Community Member 35 euroa
Contact information should be sent either by post to the society's postal address or by e-mail to bts@pro.tsv.fi.
Members are informed about forthcoming events organized by the society by the membership bulletin Skholion, which appears twice a year (approx. January and September).

Forthcoming events:
25.11.2019 klo 17.00
Mari Rahkala Simberg ja Kaisa Kariranta: "Ohuet paikat" – Pyhiinvaelluksesta teoriassa ja käytännössä
Tieteiden talo (Kirkkokatu 6), sali 312
Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunta
Association internationale des études byzantines
Agricola - Suomen historiaverkko
Klassillis-filologinen yhdistys r.y.
Suomen Historiallinen Seura

Acta Byzantina Fennica

Contact information
The Finnish Society for Byzantine Studies
Tieteiden talo
Kirkkokatu 6
00170 Helsinki
E-mail: bts@pro.tsv.fi
Acta Byzantina Fennica
Editor-in-Chief: Mika Hakkarainen
E-mail: abzf@pro.tsv.fi